Training - Image courtesy of marin at
Training – Image courtesy of Marin at

Do you have a personal trainer? Are they worth it? I had one a while back in another life time. I did find it was good, and the trainer managed to push me and I got more out of my workout. I just wish I could afford one currently and more to the point have them fit in with my current lifestyle. Having kids with you makes it hard to just take off with your personal trainer. However as my twins age, I am sure they will be able to occupy themselves while mummy works out.

In the Sydney Morning Herald there was an article that asked the question, “Do I need a personal trainer?” and if I had the money yes I would get one but I am sure that you can get the results without one.

A couple of points the Herald article lists is:

  • Not sure how well trained your personal trainer (PT) is
  • PT are expensive
  • PT help with motivation and allows the customer to push beyond their give up point

Things you can do yourself:

  • Do the same types of exercise and not pay the money for the trainer
  • If you do want a personal trainer and cannot afford one maybe have mates help pay and see if the trainer can train say 3-4 of you for the cost of an hour session. This way it is cheaper for all
  • Exercise with a friend as it helps motivate you and you are more likely to stick to the routine rather than go it alone

What are your thoughts? Have you found that the trainer has helped more than going it alone? Send in your comments.

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